Match the pairs of synonyms from column A and column B and provide translations: 1. grant — g) scholarship 2. semester

Match the pairs of synonyms from column A and column B and provide translations:

1. grant — g) scholarship
2. semester — k) term
3. educational — a) academic
4. finish — h) complete
5. equip — j) facility
6. worker — l) employee
7. modern — e) up-to-date
8. expertness — b) skill
9. take and return — f) borrow
10. appliance — j) facility
11. profession — i) vocation
12. give — d) provide


1. grant — g) scholarship (предоставлять — грант/стипендия)

To grant means to provide or give. A scholarship is a type of financial aid given to students to support their education. Therefore, these two words are synonyms.

Translation: предоставлять — грант/стипендия

2. semester — k) term (семестр — семестр)

Both semester and term refer to a specific period of time in an academic year. They are used interchangeably to describe the divisions of an academic year, usually lasting for a few months.

Translation: семестр — семестр

3. educational — a) academic (образовательный — академический)

Educational and academic both relate to learning and education. They can be used to describe things or activities that are related to acquiring knowledge or skills.

Translation: образовательный — академический

4. finish — h) complete (заканчивать — завершать)

To finish and to complete both mean to bring something to an end or to reach the end point of a task or activity.

Translation: заканчивать — завершать

5. equip — j) facility (оснащать — удобства/объект)

To equip means to provide someone or something with necessary tools or resources. A facility is a place or building used for a particular purpose. In this context, both words involve providing or arranging necessary items or spaces.

Translation: оснащать — удобства/объект

6. worker — l) employee (работник — сотрудник)

Both worker and employee refer to a person who performs work or services for someone else. They are synonyms for someone who has a job.

Translation: работник — сотрудник

7. modern — e) up-to-date (современный — актуальный)

Modern and up-to-date both refer to something that is current, recent, or in accordance with the times. They can be used to describe things that are technologically advanced or contemporary.

Translation: современный — актуальный

8. expertness — b) skill (умение — навык)

Expertness and skill both refer to the ability or proficiency in doing something well. They can be used to describe someone’s talent, capability, or expertise in a specific area.

Translation: умение — навык

9. take and return — f) borrow (брать и возвращать — занимать)

To take and return and to borrow both involve the action of obtaining something temporarily and then giving it back. They can be used to describe the act of using something for a limited time.

Translation: брать и возвращать — занимать

10. appliance — j) facility (прибор — удобства/объект)

An appliance is a device or a piece of equipment used for a specific purpose. A facility, as mentioned earlier, is a place or building used for a particular activity. In this context, both words involve things or items used for a specific function or purpose.

Translation: прибор — удобства/объект

11. profession — i) vocation (профессия — призвание)

Both profession and vocation refer to a person’s occupation or career. They can be used to describe someone’s chosen field of work or the job they pursue.

Translation: профессия — призвание

12. give — d) provide (давать — предоставлять)

To give and to provide both mean to supply or offer something to someone. They involve the action of offering or presenting something to another person.

Translation: давать — предоставлять

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