Английский язык

1. She agreed to pay the electricity bill the following week. 2. Hector dislikes going to the opera. 3. Martin admitted

Кем является профессияю Эндрю? Кем является профессияю Клаудии?

that she focused on allowing children to learn through hands-on activities and exploration, rather than traditional

1) What is father? 2) It was very cold last week. 3) My uncle lives in London. 4) Kate swims better than Jane. 5) Do

1. Have you already considered your future career? What makes the chosen profession so appealing to you? 2. Can your

15. a. How terrible. Hes the worst salesman weve ever employed. b. The European market is larger than the US market

Kazakhs lived in yurts in the past D Kazakh language is spoken by many people

Our journalist, who has graduated from Oxford, has shared the following information with us. Oxford, a stunning city

Sam, an elderly farmer, who was born and raised on his farm, had married the daughter of his neighbor. Together, they

Match the headings 1-8 with texts A-G and fill in the table. Each number should be used only once. There is an extra

Complete Exercise 4 (revision): Translate sentences with participles. Identify Present Participle I, Perfect Participle

1) We dont attend a gymnasium. 2) I havent done my homework. 3) Nelly isnt writing now. 4) Alice doesnt live in

Did you swim yesterday? Did she have pizza last night? Did they play tennis? Did your teacher give you a test? Did you

Can you find in the text words that have similar meanings to the following words: generous, leisure time, to propose

пришел с нами?) 9. I remember (когда мы впервые увидели эту картину). 10. She suggested (пойти в кино сегодня вечером

1. The British Constitution differs from the constitutions of the USA and the proposed European constitution in that it

Какие из следующих стран являлись союзниками России против Пруссии: Франция, Англия, Австралия, Швеция, Речь

1. Could you describe Jimmy Valentines age, appearance, and occupation? 2. Right after his release, where did he go? 3

Hi Rose, thanks for your email. This is what I look like: I am tall and thin. I have long, curly hair and I also wear

1. Do you think they drive cars frequently? 2. Do you expect that we wont use oil anymore? 3. Do you believe that

Match the pairs of synonyms from column A and column B and provide translations: 1. grant — g) scholarship 2. semester

to study botany for scientific purposes. They started to classify plants and identify their different parts. They also

1. We suspected the boy of lying. 2. Nobody could tell their returning time. 3. She did not want to put any effort. 4

1. We wont have packed our luggage by the time the taxi comes. (Мы не успеем упаковать наши вещи до приезда такси.) 2

What kind of music does Peters father want him to collect?