Can you find in the text words that have similar meanings to the following words: generous, leisure time, to propose

Can you find in the text words that have similar meanings to the following words: generous, leisure time, to propose, challenging, a lot, to include, to go to, maybe, an object, a vessel, intellectual, to like, the foundation, numerous, ancient, to concentrate, excellent, different, pleasant, plenty of


Sure! Here are words from the text that have similar meanings to the ones you provided:

1. Generous — generous means being willing to give or share. In the text, a similar word could be «benevolent,» which means kind or generous.

2. Leisure time — leisure time refers to free time. In the text, a similar phrase could be «spare time.»

3. To propose — to propose means to suggest or offer. In the text, a similar word could be «suggest.»

4. Challenging — challenging means difficult or demanding. In the text, a similar word could be «tough.»

5. A lot — a lot means a large quantity or a high number. In the text, a similar phrase could be «many or numerous.»

6. To include — to include means to have as part of something. In the text, a similar word could be «incorporate.»

7. To go to — to go to means to attend or visit. In the text, a similar phrase could be «attend or visit.»

8. Maybe — maybe means perhaps or possibly. In the text, a similar word could be «perhaps.»

9. An object — an object refers to a thing or item. In the text, a similar word could be «item.»

10. A vessel — a vessel refers to a container or a ship. In the text, a similar word could be «container.»

11. Intellectual — intellectual refers to someone who is intelligent or has a high level of knowledge. In the text, a similar phrase could be «knowledgeable or smart.»

12. To like — to like means to enjoy or have a positive feeling towards something. In the text, a similar word could be «enjoy.»

13. The foundation — the foundation refers to the base or the basic principle of something. In the text, a similar word could be «base.»

14. Numerous — numerous means a large number or plentiful. In the text, a similar word could be «plentiful.»

15. Ancient — ancient means very old or from a long time ago. In the text, a similar word could be «old.»

16. To concentrate — to concentrate means to focus or pay close attention. In the text, a similar word could be «focus.»

17. Excellent — excellent means very good or of high quality. In the text, a similar word could be «great.»

18. Different — different means not the same or varied. In the text, a similar word could be «varied.»

19. Pleasant — pleasant means enjoyable or pleasing. In the text, a similar word could be «enjoyable.»

20. Plenty of — plenty of means a large amount or abundant. In the text, a similar phrase could be «a large amount or abundant.»

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