15. a. How terrible. Hes the worst salesman weve ever employed. b. The European market is larger than the US market

15. a. How terrible. Hes the worst salesman weve ever employed. b. The European market is larger than the US market, but smaller than China. c. Stella, our managing director, is the most important person in the company. d. Its a scandal! Felicia isnt as well paid as her male colleagues. e. Fantastic! These are the best figures in the firms history. f. Our new boss is easier to deal with than


the previous one. g. This hotel is the cheapest in town. h. Sarah is the least punctual person I know. i. That is the most beautiful painting I have ever seen. j. The new model is more expensive than the previous one.

a. The speaker is expressing strong disappointment or dissatisfaction with the salesman’s performance, calling him the worst out of all the salespeople who have been employed by the company. The reason for this assessment is not mentioned, but it implies that the salesman is not meeting expectations or performing poorly in some way.

b. The European market is described as larger than the US market, indicating that it has more potential customers or a larger target audience. However, it is smaller than the Chinese market, suggesting that China has an even larger market and more potential customers compared to Europe.

c. Stella, who holds the position of managing director, is referred to as the most important person in the company. This can be due to her high level of authority, decision-making power, or overall impact on the company’s success. The reasoning behind this statement could be related to Stella’s role in leading and guiding the company to achieve its goals.

d. The speaker expresses outrage or disbelief at Felicia’s unequal pay compared to her male colleagues. This situation is considered scandalous as it represents a form of gender discrimination or inequality in the workplace. The speaker believes that Felicia should be compensated equally to her male counterparts.

e. The speaker expresses enthusiasm or excitement about the figures presented, stating that they are the best in the history of the company. These figures likely refer to some type of performance indicators, such as sales numbers, profits, or growth. The speaker believes that these achievements are exceptional and worthy of praise.

f. The new boss is described as being easier to deal with, indicating that they are more pleasant, approachable, or accommodating compared to the previous boss. This could imply that the new boss is more receptive to feedback, open to suggestions, or less demanding in their expectations.

g. The hotel is described as the cheapest option available in the town. This suggests that the hotel offers the lowest prices compared to other hotels in the area. This could make it an attractive choice for budget-conscious individuals or those looking for affordable accommodations.

h. Sarah is identified as the least punctual person the speaker knows, implying that she frequently arrives late or has a habit of not being on time. This characterization indicates that Sarah struggles with punctuality compared to other individuals known to the speaker. It suggests that Sarah may need to work on improving her time management skills.

i. The painting is described as the most beautiful painting the speaker has ever seen. This implies that the painting possesses exceptional aesthetic qualities, evoking a strong positive reaction from the speaker. The speaker believes that this painting surpasses all other paintings they have encountered in terms of its beauty.

j. The new model is stated to be more expensive than the previous one, suggesting that it comes with a higher price tag. This could be due to added features, improved quality, or other factors that justify the increased cost. The speaker acknowledges that the new model carries a higher price compared to its predecessor.

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