1) What is father? 2) It was very cold last week. 3) My uncle lives in London. 4) Kate swims better than Jane. 5) Do

1) What is father?
2) It was very cold last week.
3) My uncle lives in London.
4) Kate swims better than Jane.
5) Do you consume juice?
6) Does he skate better than his brother?
7) Ann hasnt got any sisters.
8) This book is the most interesting.
9) My brother doesnt like milk.


1) What is father?
Father is a male parent. He is someone who helps bring a child into the world and plays a role in their upbringing and care. Fathers are typically responsible for providing for their family, protecting and supporting their children, and teaching them important life skills.

2) It was very cold last week.
This sentence is stating that the temperature was extremely low during the previous week. The word «very» is used to emphasize the degree of coldness. The phrase «last week» refers to the specific time period being discussed.

3) My uncle lives in London.
This sentence is informing us that the speaker’s uncle resides in the city of London. The word «lives» indicates that the uncle’s permanent residence is in London.

4) Kate swims better than Jane.
This sentence is comparing the swimming abilities of two individuals, Kate and Jane. It is stating that Kate possesses superior swimming skills in comparison to Jane. The word «better» is used to indicate this comparison.

5) Do you consume juice?
This sentence is asking whether the person being addressed drinks or consumes juice. The word «do» is used to form the interrogative construction, and «you» refers to the person being asked the question.

6) Does he skate better than his brother?
This sentence is inquiring about the skating skills of a male individual in comparison to his brother. The word «does» is used to form the interrogative construction, and «he» refers to the person being asked about. The word «better» is used to indicate a comparison.

7) Ann hasn’t got any sisters.
This sentence is stating that Ann does not have any sisters. The phrase «hasn’t got» is a contraction of «has not got,» and it implies that Ann lacks sisters.

8) This book is the most interesting.
This sentence is stating that the book being referred to is the most interesting among other books. The phrase «the most» is used to denote the highest degree or level of interest. It suggests that no other books are more interesting than the one being discussed.

9) My brother doesn’t like milk.
This sentence is informing us that the speaker’s brother does not have a taste for milk. The word «doesn’t» is a contraction of «does not» and is used to indicate the brother’s lack of preference for milk.

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